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 FAQ Events Gnomeregan et Zalazane

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Féminin Nombre de messages : 1549
Serveur de jeu : Suramar
Guilde : Les Gardiens des Naarus
Nom perso : Beldaran
Race : Gnome
Métiers : Couture - Dépeçage
Orientation de jeu : PVE uniquement
Date d'inscription : 07/02/2007

FAQ Events Gnomeregan et Zalazane  Empty
MessageSujet: FAQ Events Gnomeregan et Zalazane    FAQ Events Gnomeregan et Zalazane  Icon_minitimeMer 8 Sep - 10:05

Citation :
It's great to see that so many of you are excited about these events! The battles for Gnomeregan and Echo Isles are important turning points for both the Gnomeregan Exiles and Darkspear trolls, and we're glad that players across all races and realms have answered the call to arms issued by your esteemed faction leaders, Geblin Mekkatorque and Vol'jin.

Now, onto your questions:

Q. What are the minimum level requirements for the Operation: Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall quest lines?
A. Your character will need to be at least level 78 to participate in the final battle. All previous quests in each faction's chain, though, should be open to character's level 5 and up.

Q. What would happen if a player were to complete one faction's quest line (say, Operation: Gnomeregan) on a character, receive the Feat of Strength, and then purchase a faction change? Would that character be able to complete the other faction's quest line and receive double the rewards?
A. Yes and no. To continue with the example provided above, if a character were to complete all the quests associated with Operation: Gnomeregan on an Alliance character, receive the corresponding quest reward and Feat of Strength, and then purchase a faction change, the quest reward and Feat of Strength would translate to their Horde equivalents, but the quests would not. This means that the character would have the opportunity to play through all the quests associated with Zalazane's Fall, if he or she wishes, but would not receive an additional Feat of Strength or be able to own both faction’s costume quest rewards * for doing so.

Faction changes affect characters in multiple ways, though, so be sure to review the full FAQ before getting started: http://us.blizzard.c...t/article/28825

* Due to the fact that the costume quest reward will translate during a faction change, it’s currently possible for a player to earn two of them. They’d both be same version of the item, though, and would share the same cooldown.

Q. Will these events be available forever?
A. Like other holiday events, Operation: Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall will only be available for a limited time, so it's best to complete the quest lines as soon as possible!

Q. Players are standing on top of key quest NPCs and I'm unable to reach them. What can I do?
A. If you're finding it difficult to click on a specific NPC, the best course of action is to enable name plates by pressing Ctrl-V or zoom in your character's camera all the way. This will give you a different in-game perspective and should allow you to click on the NPC's name plate or its model without other characters or their mounts completely blocking access: http://us.blizzard.c...t/article/24589

If you feel that any players are intentionally attempting to detract from the experience of others, then you may wish to contact in-game support.

Q. Why are these events so short in duration?
A. Both Operation: Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall are intended to be fun in-game events that allow players to experience the continuation of the Gnomeregan Exile and Darkspear troll storylines, and we think each quest line achieves just that. As several gnomes would argue, just because something is "short" doesn't mean it's not worthwhile! Wink
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 1549
Serveur de jeu : Suramar
Guilde : Les Gardiens des Naarus
Nom perso : Beldaran
Race : Gnome
Métiers : Couture - Dépeçage
Orientation de jeu : PVE uniquement
Date d'inscription : 07/02/2007

FAQ Events Gnomeregan et Zalazane  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FAQ Events Gnomeregan et Zalazane    FAQ Events Gnomeregan et Zalazane  Icon_minitimeMer 8 Sep - 12:38

Un lien datant des royaumes de test mais qui detaille bien les events : MMO-Champion
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FAQ Events Gnomeregan et Zalazane
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