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 Sortie de WotLK en Chine le 31/08

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Féminin Nombre de messages : 1549
Serveur de jeu : Suramar
Guilde : Les Gardiens des Naarus
Nom perso : Beldaran
Race : Gnome
Métiers : Couture - Dépeçage
Orientation de jeu : PVE uniquement
Date d'inscription : 07/02/2007

Sortie de WotLK en Chine le 31/08 Empty
MessageSujet: Sortie de WotLK en Chine le 31/08   Sortie de WotLK en Chine le 31/08 Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Aoû - 11:51

C'est avec un très grand soulagement, sans aucun doute, que Blizzard annonce la sortie de Wrath of the Lich King pour le 31 août en Chine. Après des péripéties dignes d'une série policière, les joueurs chinois vont enfin pouvoir fouler les terres de Norfendre... plus d'un an et demi après tout le monde.

Citation :
Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. and NetEase.com, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTES) today announced that World of Warcraft(R): Wrath of the Lich King(TM), the second expansion for Blizzard Entertainment's award-winning subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), will launch in mainland China on August 31, 2010.

"We appreciate the continued passion and support that Chinese players have shown for World of Warcraft, and we're working hard to ensure that they have a topnotch gaming experience when Wrath of the Lich King is released," said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. "This expansion contains some of the best content we've ever created for the game, and we're excited that Chinese players will soon have a chance to explore everything it has to offer."

"World of Warcraft is one of the most popular online games among Chinese players, and we believe that the new content in Wrath of the Lich King will generate even more excitement," said William Ding, CEO of NetEase. "We are fully prepared on all fronts to provide great service and support to all of the new and returning players throughout China, and we look forward to welcoming them to Northrend."
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Sortie de WotLK en Chine le 31/08
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